Upcoming Event! Family Synagogue

You may have some questions about our Friday Night Services, the FAQ below will hopefully answers to those queries.

Q. I come from a Yeshiva background. Is this going to be a Beginners Service where I will feel out of place?

A. Our Friday Night Service is geared to make everyone feel at home whatever your level of Jewish education; whether you come with an intensive background or a more limited one. Let the music move you and the discussion inspire you!

Q. I am not yet affiliated and don't understand a word of Hebrew. How will I know what is going on? Will I be bored?

A. At our services there is one thing we don't allow you to be: BORED. Through spirited davenning (praying) led by Ari Klein, you will be swept up in beautiful melodies based on the music/nusach of the late Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, traditional melodies. Transliterated sheets will be available to help you sing and pray along without missing a beat, no matter what your level of Hebrew. Hopefully, the spirited praying, singing and insightful commentary by Adena Berkowitz will leave you both spiritually and intellectually infused.

Q. I am new to New York and not affiliated with any synagogue. Will I feel left out of the crowd if I don't know a lot of people?

A. Our aim at our Service is to create a warm sense of community. Whether you come with friends or alone hopefully you will leave our services feeling connected.

Q. I am not Orthodox. As a woman, I just can't stand the thought of sitting behind one of those partitions.

A. Our mechitza- divider--will be aesthetically pleasing, with equal sight lines, seats running parallel and will allow all worshippers, both women and men to feel part of the congregation. We strive to create a warm sense of community and fellowship, recognizing the importance of everyone regardless of gender.

Q. I have small children. Are young children welcome?

A. At our Friday Night Service we run a parallel Tot Shabbat as well as a service for the older children, along with Child Care. You will be able to pray at the main service and not have to worry about taking care of your children.

Address: Kol Haneshamah 2578 Broadway, Suite 128. New York, NY 10025        Phone: 347-693-6961       Email: Kolnyc@gmail.com      Privacy & Refund Policy

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